South Bethlehem’s galleries, shops and stores are once again joining together for an enjoyable afternoon of music, food and fun. This year’s festival will be an extra special celebration with awesome events planned by community leaders throughout South Bethlehem.
Founded 14 years ago to celebrate Bethlehem’s historic, revitalized Southside, “Spring on Fourth! What’s on Third?” is a free, public event that takes place along Third, Fourth and New streets. Highlighting the celebration are the popular chili contest, live entertainment by a variety of performers, fun family activities and more from 12:00 to 4:00. In addition, many of the South Side merchants feature sales and special discounts throughout the afternoon.
Featured “Spring on Fourth! What’s on Third?” events include The Jamani Drummers and Community Drum circle, a BMX biking and skateboarding demonstration sponsored by Homebase Skate Shop, the Community Artists of Bethlehem will be working on an art project and as always Clarence the Clown will be strolling through town.
This year’s “Spring on Fourth! What’s on Third?” chili contest, which takes place from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., features 30 entries ranging from spicy, five-alarm chili to vegetarian, chicken and black bean versions of the dish. Patrons are invited to sample the entries, with a block of three tickets – good for three samples – selling for $1 each. The winners of the chili contest will be announced on WDIY 88.1 FM at 4 p.m. Also join WDIY from 4 to 6 pm with a special celebration of community in the Wachovia Bank parking lot at 301 Broadway with a performance by the Doug Hawk Proposition, games and prizes provided by Allentown Toy Mfg. Co. and a special food drive to benefit New Bethany Ministries.
Community partner offerings include the Cops 'n' Kids block party featuring Radio Disney and LV Idol performances, the Bethlehem Public Library South Side Branch special book mobile appearance to encourage new registrations and The Banana Factory presents Arts Block Party with a Hot Tamale Stage and Arts projects.
Embassy Bank is the presenting sponsor and WDIY 88.1 FM, Lehigh Valley Community Public Radio and Pulse Weekly are the media sponsors. Other sponsors include Lehigh University, Orasure Technologies, Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, Saraceno Design, St. Luke’s Print Shop, U.S. Food Service, the Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission, Coalition for Appropriate Transportation, Bethlehem Parks and Recreation Department, Downtown Bethlehem Association, and the South Side Film Festival.
For more information on “Spring on Fourth! What’s on Third?” email