(Don't ya just love it when you see a major omission after you get the order back from the printer????)
The Vegetarian Options for tomorrow's Chili cookoff are:
*Deja Brew
*Eskandalo (by Save the Kales, author JAIME!!!)
*General Zapata
*Godfrey Daniels
*Home & Planet
*Loose Threads (ok, it's a relief station with yogurt and granola. But it's still a veggie option)
*Muero Apparo
*Northampton Community College
*St. Peter's Lutheran Church
*Tally Ho
Geographically speaking, most of them are off 4th street - but don't miss the one at NCC
South Bethlehem's Chili Cook-off, or -
THE kickoff to the summer festival season.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Chili updates will be on TWITTER this year
Folllow @Springon4th for chili and event updates.
Not on Twitter yet? Join the conversation - it's WAY more than knowing what someone ate for lunch.
Not on Twitter yet? Join the conversation - it's WAY more than knowing what someone ate for lunch.
Ten Healthy Reasons to Eat Chili
Chili has long been thought of as a greasy, fat filled meal that no health conscious person would be caught eating. Not so anymore. Chili has become a wonderful dish full of healthy nutrients for your body, and it definitely fits into today's healthy diets. The top 10 healthy reasons for eating a bowl of chili today are listed below.
1. Chili contains lots of protein.
The meat used in cooking chili is a great source of protein for anyone. If you happen to use beans in your chili, then they do provide a second source of protein. Even if you're a vegetarian and make vegetarian chili, it can provide a good portion of your daily protein needs.
2. Chili has a lot of fiber.
The chiles and the beans in your chili are excellent sources of fiber. In addition to keeping you regular, fiber also slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. This keeps your blood glucose levels from rising and falling too quickly.
3. Chili contains Vitamin C.
The chiles you use to flavor your chili, even the mild red peppers, provide a tremendous amount of Vitamin C. If you use a tomato base, it too can provide extra Vitamin C for you.
4. Chili is high in iron, even the veggie versions.
Chili is a great source of iron, especially the red meat versions. Don't worry though is you prefer turkey or even meat free chili. The beans used to make chili are also an excellent source of iron.
5. Chili can help you lose weight.
The capsaicin found in the chiles used to season you dish can increase your metabolic rate simply by raising your bodily heat production. Even sweet red peppers can increase heat production for up to 20 minutes are eating them.
6. Chili can make you happy!
Chiles promote endorphin and serotonin release, both of which inflate your mood. The capsaicin is the trigger for increasing the serotonin and endorphins. These two raise your mood levels so you can actually feel happier just by trying a new chili recipe! What an added bonus!
7. Chili can curb your cravings for fatty foods and sweets.
Some recent research has given some proof that the capsaicin in chiles actually curb your cravings for fatty foods and sweets. So go ahead and make chili tonight. Season it well with lots of freshly prepared chiles, and you have a good chance of no wanting dessert afterwards. Who knew chili could help you control your appetite?
8. Chili can help boost your immune system.
Chiles are high in Vitamin A, which can naturally boost your immune system. The more chiles you use in flavoring your chili dish, the more Vitamin A you are putting into your body. The boost to your immune system from the Vitamin A is a welcome plus during the winter cold and flu season.
9. Chili may help regulate blood sugar after eating.
Apparently the capsaicin in chili peppers also can help regulate your blood sugar. A July 2006 study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that the amount of insulin that was needed to lower patients' blood sugar after a meal is lower if the meal contains chile peppers. It's true that your fiery chili is good for you!
10. Chili can help clear congestion.
The capsaicin in chiles stimulate mucous secretions to help clear mucous from your stuffy nose. The next time you feel a cold coming on, prepare a big batch of chili to help you breathe easier. It will help keep you warm too!
(originally posted on http://www.famouschilirecipes.com/10reasonstoeatchili.html)
Getting ready for Chili!!!! And Spring. And Community Celebrations.
Today's weather has us so excited for tomorrow's big event. As the competitors are stirring their pots, we're posting the location map a day a head for you to plan your chili experience.
This post covers other bits of advise for folks coming into South Bethlehem for the Spring on Fourth and surrounding activities.
This year, we are selling ONLY passports. No single tickets. Three levels of passports will be available on Saturday. As marked on the map, passports will be sold at Tally Ho, Cutter's Bike Shop, in front of Molly's Pub and at the corner of New St. & 3rd St. Chili Map and Voting Ballot will be available at all passport locations. This year they are BRIGHT NEON GREEN. You can start your chili cook off experience anywhere on the map. The numbers are for identification only.
There are teams of judges that are going to be tasting ALL of the chili. But we want your opinion, too. The Ballot is for the winner's of the People's Choice. Rank your top three on the ballot which will be printed on the back of the map) and submit it to any location selling passports that day. They will be collected by 3PM. Judge's Choice and People's Choice will be announced on WDIY, 88.1 FM at 4PM. Tune in!
If you want to buy the $10 passport TODAY you can at HomeBase, Cleo's, Comfort Suites and Cutters.
Parking in South Bethlehem is plentiful in two garages: one at Riverport and the other off Morton street, (across from Tulum and next to Campus Square). There are Municipal lots between Mechanic and 3rd streets, and others near Lehigh University. Street parking is also available. The lot just to the east of the Taylor Family Gas Station on 3rd street will be CLOSED for Secured Bicycle parking.
For Bicycle riders - The Coalition for Affordable Transportation (CAT) is encouraging us all to consider biking to the Spring on Fourth events. There will be plenty of space at the secured lot to leave your bike there while you wander on foot. Yes, CAT is watching the bikes for all of us. Aren't they great? Please DO NOT lock your bike to any parking meters on the sidewalks, as they will obstruct the walkways - and there will be lots of folks enjoying the day. It would be nice to leave lots of room for strollers, too.
You may need to drive around blocked off streets where activity is happening. If you haven't been across the Hill to Hill in a while, be prepared for some major construction delays. There's also construction on Adams Street as the Greenway is starting to go in.
Be Gentle with Your Neighbor
Please be mindful of the increased pedestrian traffic in South Bethlehem tomorrow - especially as there will be large number of families with small children out and about.
There's so many volunteers that have helped plan and run the event. The cost of the passports helps cover costs of renting equipment and promoting the event, and paying artists to bring the spirit of joy to all of us. Everyone can help by keeping an eye on trash and on each other. A community is as good as its people. And remember, children learn how to treat other people by watching grown ups.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Cops N Kids Celebration of Reading - SIMULTANEOUS PARTIES
On the SAME DAY and at the SAME TIME as the Spring on 4th event in South Bethlehem, there will be a crew of community folks putting on a wonderful event for the 5th year in a row. It's the Cops N Kids Annual Celebration of Reading. Hundreds of community folks come out to the Looper's parking lot for a day of joy.
They've got a Facebook page that may tell you more about it. Lots of activities going on there. Worth checking out before or after you make your chili rounds!
If you're not sure where the Looper's parking lot is, just follow the balloons from Spring on Fourth - head east on 3rd street!
The Cops N Kids Reading program is a fantastic community asset. The Cops N Kids Reading room is located on the 4th floor of the Northampton Community College Fowler Family Center, 511 East 3rd street, (south) Bethlehem. Find out more about their year long activities from their website here. If you want to stay on top of their programs, follow them on Twitter.
They've got a Facebook page that may tell you more about it. Lots of activities going on there. Worth checking out before or after you make your chili rounds!
If you're not sure where the Looper's parking lot is, just follow the balloons from Spring on Fourth - head east on 3rd street!
The Cops N Kids Reading program is a fantastic community asset. The Cops N Kids Reading room is located on the 4th floor of the Northampton Community College Fowler Family Center, 511 East 3rd street, (south) Bethlehem. Find out more about their year long activities from their website here. If you want to stay on top of their programs, follow them on Twitter.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
How do I do the chili tasting?
... with a spoon.
Last year, we tried it. This year, we're ONLY doing passports.
(No single tickets) We're hoping that the passports allow folks to get to more chili faster. (less time standing in line, and easier purchasing). Three levels of passports available:
$10 for 25 tastings
$5 for 10 tastings
$3 for 5 tastings.
There will be over 30 chili tastings this year; ranging from ridiculously spicy, to vegetarian, to meat, chicken or all bean versions. This is a competition. We have a panel of judges who taste them all. But your vote counts, too. Ballots will be available day of, or you can print one from this site the day before.
They're also being PRE-SOLD at some very friendly businesses; Banana Factory Gift Shop, HomeBase Skate Shop, Cleo's Silversmith Studio and Cutter's Bike Shop. And they're available to buy RIGHT NOW.
You can share a passport. AND.... if for some reason, you don't use up your passport by 2PM, you can use it NEXT YEAR! No harm, no foul.
If you really want to taste as much chili as possible, start directly at noon at any of the locations. (Map should be up next week). Chili is only served until 2PM. Some locations end earlier than 2PM, if they run out of chili.
nom nom nom nom.... (mmmm. Chili.......)

Last year, we tried it. This year, we're ONLY doing passports.
(No single tickets) We're hoping that the passports allow folks to get to more chili faster. (less time standing in line, and easier purchasing). Three levels of passports available:
$10 for 25 tastings
$5 for 10 tastings
$3 for 5 tastings.
There will be over 30 chili tastings this year; ranging from ridiculously spicy, to vegetarian, to meat, chicken or all bean versions. This is a competition. We have a panel of judges who taste them all. But your vote counts, too. Ballots will be available day of, or you can print one from this site the day before.
They're also being PRE-SOLD at some very friendly businesses; Banana Factory Gift Shop, HomeBase Skate Shop, Cleo's Silversmith Studio and Cutter's Bike Shop. And they're available to buy RIGHT NOW.
You can share a passport. AND.... if for some reason, you don't use up your passport by 2PM, you can use it NEXT YEAR! No harm, no foul.
If you really want to taste as much chili as possible, start directly at noon at any of the locations. (Map should be up next week). Chili is only served until 2PM. Some locations end earlier than 2PM, if they run out of chili.
nom nom nom nom.... (mmmm. Chili.......)
(Lehigh Valley, PA) The 16th Annual “Spring on Fourth! What’s on Third? will be held on April 30th 2011 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. South Bethlehem’s galleries, restaurants, shops and stores are once again joining together for an enjoyable afternoon of music, food and fun. This year’s festival will be an extra special celebration with awesome events planned by community leaders throughout Southside Bethlehem.
Founded 16 years ago to celebrate Bethlehem’s historic, revitalized Southside, Spring on Fourth is a free, public event that takes place along Third, Fourth and New streets. Highlighting the celebration are the popular chili contest, live entertainment by a variety of performers, fun family activities and more. In addition, many of the South Side merchants feature sales and special discounts throughout the afternoon.
This year’s Spring on Fourth chili contest, which takes place from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, features more than 30 entries ranging from spicy, five-alarm chili to vegetarian, chicken and black bean versions of the dish. Patrons are invited to sample the entries with Passports ranging from $10 for 25 tastings, $5 for 10 tastings and $3 for 5 tastings. Passports are available at the Banana Factory Gift Shop, Homebase Skate Shop, Cleo’s Silversmith Studio and Gallery, and Cutters Bike Shop, all on the Southside. The winners of the chili contest will be announced on WDIY 88.1 FM at 4 pm that day.
Our community partners include the Cops 'n' Kids Children’s Literacy Program’s Fifth Annual “Celebration of Reading,” with a parade starting at 10:30 am at the Ice Center to the block party at Loopers. The Coalition for Appropriate (CAT) will also operate Monitored Bicycle Parking from 11 am to 4 pm at the 3rd Street Lot. CAT offers safe and secure bicycle parking to encourage everyone to avoid the traffic hassle and to ride a bike to the Spring on Fourth Festival. The Banana Factory will host entertainment and art activities. Homebase Skate Shop is organizing a clothing sale to raise funds for the Skate Plaza, and the Community Artists of Bethlehem present their 5 Alarm Arts Fair on New Street between Fourth and Morton.
Embassy Bank is the presenting sponsor and WDIY 88.1 FM, Lehigh Valley Community Public Radio and The Morning Call are the media sponsors. Other sponsors include Lehigh University, Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce, Saraceno Design, St. Luke’s Print Shop, U.S. Foodservice, the Bethlehem Fine Arts Commission, Coalition for Appropriate Transportation, Bethlehem Parks and Recreation Department, and the Downtown Bethlehem Association.
And.... we're back!
Thanks for all the views on the archive page. Fans of the Spring on Fourth may have been wondering, "um... when are you going to update the information for the next event?"
Buckle up! We're going for a ride on the information train. But we want YOU TO HELP US get the word out. Details will be posted separately so you can help share information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever other social media networks you prefer.
The biggest event to happen AFTER William and Kate's wedding is the day after. While the newly wed royals will be off on their honeymoon, ease your celebrity news saturation by turning off the TV, and taking a stroll along South Bethlehem's central business district to see spring items in the stores, and to grab a few tastes of chili.
Start off the day at the parade that goes from Steel Center Ice to Loopers at 10:30am
Other main events 11:00AM-3PM happening will be
* Block Party at the Banana Factory, featuring Steve Brosky and Jimmy Meyers
* Cops N Kids Celebration of Reading at Looper's Lot
* Dancing and DJs near the Maze Garden
* Five Alarm Art Fair on New Street, between 4th and Morton.
Chili tasting ONLY between noon-2PM.
Buckle up! We're going for a ride on the information train. But we want YOU TO HELP US get the word out. Details will be posted separately so you can help share information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, or whatever other social media networks you prefer.
The biggest event to happen AFTER William and Kate's wedding is the day after. While the newly wed royals will be off on their honeymoon, ease your celebrity news saturation by turning off the TV, and taking a stroll along South Bethlehem's central business district to see spring items in the stores, and to grab a few tastes of chili.
Start off the day at the parade that goes from Steel Center Ice to Loopers at 10:30am
Other main events 11:00AM-3PM happening will be
* Block Party at the Banana Factory, featuring Steve Brosky and Jimmy Meyers
* Cops N Kids Celebration of Reading at Looper's Lot
* Dancing and DJs near the Maze Garden
* Five Alarm Art Fair on New Street, between 4th and Morton.
Chili tasting ONLY between noon-2PM.
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