
South Bethlehem's Chili Cook-off, or -
THE kickoff to the summer festival season.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Order your Tickets Now!

Only 33 more days until the Spring on Fourth community festival and chili contest!  And you know what that means? Time to pre-order your passports!  You can purchase a $5 ticket for 10 tastings online at our new website www.Springon4th.org. Make sure you do this in advance because:

  • You won't have to worry about not getting a ticket (because we sell out every year!)
  • You won't have to wait in the LONG line the day of the event (April 21, 2012, 11am-3pm)
  • You can start tasting and visiting the local business owners right at noon!   

Also, we are thrilled to announce that our website has the first look at our NEW LOGO DESIGN for the event!  So go visit the website, check out the logo, and pre-order your tickets!  Do it now, before we run out!


Friday, March 16, 2012

From Loly Reynolds - Entertainment Committee (DBA Manager Assistant)

Greetings, Southsider’s!

We are so excited about our upcoming “Spring on Fourth, What’s on Third” festival on April 21st 11am-3pm!  For those less familiar with this event here is a little background about it’s history!:

South Bethlehem’s galleries, shops and stores are once again joining together for an enjoyable afternoon of music, food and fun. Founded 17 years ago to celebrate Bethlehem’s historic, revitalized Southside, “Spring on Fourth! What’s on Third?” is a free, public event that takes place along Third, Fourth and New streets. Highlighting the celebration is the popular chili contest, live entertainment by a variety of performers, fun family activities (such as the HUGE Children’s Reading festival presented by Cops n’ Kids at Looper’s), artists lining the streets, and much more from 11:00 to 3:00. In addition, many of the South Side merchants feature sales and special discounts throughout the afternoon--so you can really get a taste of the whole Southside experience!

[Businesses!!!!] You are invited to participate in various ways!

·         First and foremost, you are invited to get involved with The Chili-Cookoff! Get out your award winning recipe and be prepared to make 5 galloons for the droves of chili enthusiasts in town that afternoon. The winner receives an award, bragging rights and a ton of attention from the media!!!! Please see the attached application for participation and return to email  Dave Urban at Durban@ptd.net  or call 610-882-4389.

·         We have permitted the sidewalks for the entire day, so artists will be paired with businesses to display in front on the sidewalks. These artists are told that they need to allow plenty of room for walkers, and not to impair the entrance or displays of your business. If you DO NOT wish to host an artist, please let me know…..otherwise there will be one there from 10am-3pm. Also if you have an artists you wish to bring in yourself, please let me know so that I do not book an artist for your business!

·         If you wish to host an acoustic musician, please let me know because I would like to place 5-6 musicians around the festival area.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on how you can be more involved with this great event! Also, I will be around town Thursday and Friday passing out First Friday, Spring on Fourth, and Spring Calendar posters….whew! I would be happy to collect your application at that point, or I will also have them on me so you have the option to fill one out then!

Looking Forward!

Loly Reynolds
DBA Manager Assistant

New Logo design for the 2012 Spring on Fourth

Kudos to graphic designer Christiän Weber for the great new look:

So people - what do you think?